Friday, July 1, 2016

Japanese Ceramic Bell - Amulet - Lucky Charm - The Peony of Otokuni-dera Temple - Vintage Bell - Migawari Omamori (B1-25)

Japanese Ceramic Bell - Amulet - Lucky Charm - The Peony of Otokuni-dera Temple - Vintage Bell - Migawari Omamori (B1-25)

Japanese Ceramic Bell - Amulet - Lucky Charm - The Peony of Otokuni-dera Temple - Vintage Bell - Migawari Omamori (B1-25)

This is a ceramic bell called 土鈴 "dorei". 鈴 is "Suzu" which means bell and 土 is "do" which means earth, soil and is part of 粘土 meaning clay. So...this is a clay/ceramic bell. These bells have a ceramic ball inside so the sound is a coarse, rolling sound. 

Bells of all kinds, have a long history in Japan. Dorei (ceramic bells) date back to the prehistoric Jomon Era (10,000 B.C.-300 B.C.). These bells were used to scare away evil. At Shinto shrines, large bells drape over entrances, as it is said that ringing them calls gets the attention of the Gods allowing one to acquire positive power and authority, while repelling evil.

This is a "migawari suzu" which is a type of "omamori". Omamori are amulets - they are physical objects that contain the spiritual essence and powers of a deity or buddha . " Migawari omamori" (身代わりお守り,means that the item takes the place of the the bad luck is transferred, in this case, to the bell.

For a fabulous and interesting read on omamori please see

This bell is from Otokuni-dera (乙訓寺) - a temple of a peony, and it is considered as beginning that two stocks of buttons were contributed from Chokoku-ji which is head temple. About 2,000 stocks of flowers will make a large flower bloom from the end of April early in May.

参拝記念 Sanpai Kinen = Worship Memorial

This bell is about 11.5 cm high (including rope loop) and about 6 cm wide.

This will be will padded and shipped in a box.

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